Salad greens

IMG_0841The salad greens bed:

Back row; Lettuce ‘lollo rosso’, Celtuce, Lettuce ‘Australian yellow’

Middle row; Rocket, Mustard greens ‘Osaka purple’, Lettuce ‘marvel of four seasons’, (fennel).

Front row; Mibuna, (Mitsuba – failed to germinate), Mizuna.


Tomorrow the salad greens bed will be two months old from sowing, and they are providing some nice winter salads. The rocket is stronger in flavour than the rest, but just picking a few leaves from each of the others and throwing them together makes for a nice mesclun.

The fennel was already in the bed, and rather than let it shade out its neighbours I’ve been picking small bulbs (it shoots from the stem) to slice finely as a vegetable. As it’s doing so well I will let it seed and sow a proper bed of it.

I only got one plant up of the purple mustard greens, but it’s doing well now, and the mitsuba was a total no-show, possibly because I got it sown too late in the season. Mibuna has been great, though and just puts up new leaves faster than I pick them.

I’ve got two other salad beds sown, so hopefully will have a nice progression of plants coming on line for the rest of winter.